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Wendron Pre-School ©

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Wendron Pre-School is a committee run group, opened in 1991,  we are now operating from a purpose-built building based at Wendron School, can still only take 20 children at once though!! And only take children from two and a half. The pre-school is open from 9 am to 3 pm, Monday to Friday, term time only. We receive government early years funding for two-, three- and four-year-old children. There are four members of staff. Of these, three hold a relevant early years qualification at level 3 and one holds a relevant early years qualification at level 2.



Wendron Pre-School is a registered charity No 1043318. We are a community based

pre-school and a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance (PLA). A committee of

volunteer parents holds regular informal meetings to administer policy and working




As a constituted playgroup, an elected committee of parents and carers manages the

group. We hold our Annual General Meeting in October and everyone is welcome to stand

for election. We are a registered charity and as such acts in accordance with the charity

commission laws. We are very keen for new parents to feel as much a part of Wendron

Pre-School as their children, so are always delighted when parents become involved.



We meet during the evening once every half term, and are primarily responsible for:


Managing the pre-school’s finances.

Employing and managing the staff.

Make sure that the preschool has and works to policies, which help to provide a high-quality service.


If you would like to be a part of the Wendron committee or would like to get involved in fund-raising events, please contact a member of the team who will put you in contact with the Chairperson.


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