Wendron Pre-School ©
Children are asked not to bring their own toys into sessions unless they are a comforter or are asked to do so for a project or Show and Tell. Toys so often get lost or broken, this in turn can cause upset to all children involved.
In order to feel free to experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children in clothes that are easily washed or not too new. Although we do provide aprons, we cannot guarantee that your child will remain spotless.
It is good for children to practice the skills that will make them independent. Simple clothing which they can handle themselves
will enable them to go to the toilet when they want to and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes without being dependant on others for help.
We encourage you to add comments to your child’s "Wow" sheet about their development at home. Sharing information
is really important, this ensures we all get a complete picture of your child, their interests, development and learning needs.
Our pre-school has an outdoor space for your children to explore.